
About Us

“La Toledo”, as we are named by most of our clients, originated in 1964, when a young Spanish and Colombian couple decided to open “Churros Españoles” next to Fontibón’s cathedral on the northeast corner… 

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/1964-el-origen-de-un-gran-proyecto-toledo-pasteleria-bogota.jpg

...here, they started offering some of the products that, a few years later, and due to their immediate success, became the first symbols of quality and delight with whom they started a new project called “Toledo Pastelería”. Little by little people started talking, initially in Fontibón, and later in Bogotá’s sabana, of “Toledo’s” delights: Ponqués, Brazo de gitano/ español, which is known today as Brazo de Reina, the Milhojas, Corazones, Empanadas de hojaldre, Masato, Kumis, and Fresas con crema, which were considered something new at the time. 

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/xy-asi-nace-toledo-pasteleria-bogota-colombia.jpg

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/las-delicias-de-la-toledo.jpg

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/xponque-cumpleanos-449-de-fontibon-1986.jpg

As the days passed, “Toledo’s” fame increased as cars parked regularly outside Toledo Pastelería, waiting to buy or to order a product for a special celebration. These orders had to be done with several days in advance due to its great demand. By the 1970s, Toledo Pastelería had a store and a factory of its own, which became as famous as their products and an icon as well. Nowadays, its principal store is located at Fontibón’s northwest block, just beside its principal park. As of today, Toledo Pastelería has more than 10 stores, and continues to be present in the mind, heart and taste of more than three generations that have shared special moments and celebrations, as well as a part of a story, the story of the most delightful tradition.

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/xobrador-toledo-pasteleria-fontibon-1988.jpg

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/xfabrica-y-punto-principal-toledo-pasteleria.jpg

http://latoledo.com/image/catalog/Toledo Fotos/xfabrica-y-punto-principal-1995-toledo-pasteleria.jpg

We hope and trust that we continue to make history.

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